Jewelry Care

At iiAthena, our jewelry pieces are crafted with eco-friendly and conflict-free lab-created moissanite or other gemstones, elegantly set in gold-plated sterling silver. We appreciate your choice in iiAthena jewelry, as each piece is designed to be a canvas for your unique story, a symbol of your love, and a keeper of cherished memories. To ensure your iiAthena jewelry stays as radiant as the day you received it, please follow these essential care instructions:

How to Care for Your Jewelry

Take It Off - The Golden Rule
Most of our jewelry is remarkably low-maintenance; you can simply wear and enjoy it. However, we recommend removing your jewelry when engaging in activities like swimming, gardening, contact sports, household cleaning, and lifting heavy objects. Exposure to harsh chemicals or environments, such as lotions, hairspray, perfume, cosmetics, and saltwater, can compromise the integrity of your jewelry.

Safekeeping Your Treasures
When you take off your jewelry, ensure you have a secure and memorable place to keep it. Be cautious when removing your jewelry before washing your hands. Avoid leaving your precious pieces on the rim of a sink, where they could accidentally slip down the drain. Additionally, consider having your jewelry inspected regularly, especially when you're traveling.

Cleaning Your Jewelry
For a sparkling shine, you'll need four items: mild soap, warm water, a soft toothbrush, and iiAthena's Silver Polishing Cloth. Begin by mixing a small amount of mild soap with lukewarm water. Then, use a soft toothbrush to gently clean your jewelry, paying attention to any intricate details that can be hard to reach. For stubborn dirt, soak your jewelry in clean water.

Our iiAthena Silver Polishing Cloth is an excellent tool to restore the brilliance of your sterling silver jewelry if it loses its luster. It's included in every luxury gift package, so make sure to use it to keep your jewelry shining.

Storing Your Jewelry
Proper jewelry storage is often overlooked but is vital for preserving your pieces. Never toss your jewelry into a drawer or onto a dresser, as this can lead to scratches and damage to your gems.

Each piece of iiAthena Jewelry comes in a led-lighted ring box, designed to provide the perfect storage. Avoid jumbling all your jewelry together in one case, as pieces can scratch each other. An ideal jewelry box features individually felt-lined and padded slots for charms, bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings, keeping them organized, clean, and safe.